Our services
We offer our services for free through the non-profit organization Rokit21. It is a volunteer activity and we enjoy doing it. Each of us reserves time according to our ability, so please don't be angry with us if your order takes a long time.
If you want to support us financially, you can use our account: 2102494354 / 2010

We are experts in the fields of didactics, general pedagogy, special pedagogy, social pedagogy, andragogy, ICT in education, and psychology.
We present the results of our work at invited lectures, during our lecturing activities, and at conferences, both in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Selection of topics:
- innovative and effective approaches in education
- ICT and digital competences in education
- inclusive approaches in education
- pupils/students with special educational needs and gifted pupils
- class/school climate
Individual consultations for families
Do you need advice on which school to choose for your child? Are you worried about your child's academic failure? Don't know how to work with your child at home? Do you need to talk to your child about school and don't know how to do it? Do you need short-term intervention to help your child get started at school, for example in learning a foreign language? Do you want to consult your teacher's practices and suggest adjustments in education? Do you have a recommendation from a pedagogical and psychological counseling center and don't know what to do with it?
Professional advice for schools
Are you dealing with inclusion and would you like professional supervision? Would you need advice from a special education teacher, digital literacy teacher or linguist? Do you want external observation? Do you need to set up effective communication between the teacher and the teaching assistant? Would you like a school readiness diagnosis, its interpretation and setting up next steps?
Are you looking for a partner for an education project? We have the passion and experience.
All founders and provisional members of the non-profit organization are also researchers in the fields of general pedagogy, andragogy, special pedagogy, social pedagogy, ICT in education, linguistics, and psychology. So we know how to do research.
What specifically do we do for families in the Hradec Králové region?
Here is a selection for your imagination.
Educational consultancy
- preparing the child for school entry
- supporting a child in learning - how a child learns, how to help a child learn
- supporting a child with special needs
- supporting a child with behavioral problems
- supporting a child in case of school failure - why it doesn't work
- supporting the child and his/her talents
- counseling and education for parents of children with disabilities (various types) in relation to education
- preparing a child for the transition to another school
- supporting the child in language competences (mother tongue and foreign language)
- assistance in choosing a suitable school
- how to talk to the school, rights and obligations of parents and children
- how to get to counseling centers such as pedagogical-psychological counseling - what awaits children and parents, what to focus on, how to handle the results of the examination from the parent's perspective
- general support for parents in their children's education (grades, communication with the child, etc.)
Diagnostic activity
- school readiness
- diagnostics of school failure
- dynamic examination of learning potential
- level of proficiency in a foreign language
- reading and writing according to Elkonin
- applied behavioral analysis
- learning strategies
- analysis of strengths and weaknesses
- based on previous consultation or diagnostics
Reeducation / tutoring
- the setting of reeducation depends on the previous consultation and examination
- short-term tutoring in school subjects
Connect with us.
Are you missing something here and want to ask if we can do it? Contact us!